
Communicating in Partnership

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Communication is the vehicle through which plans, strategies, and tactics are developed and fine-tuned.

Partnerships often break down at the point where assumptions take the place of communication. Proper communication minimizes breakdown.

The following are some communication guidelines to help better manage partnerships.

Communicating with your partner

1- Be Transparent. 

Transparent agendas lead to easier fulfillment and clearer communication.

From here partners can begin with shared priorities and then balancing individual needs. Many people listen to “shared priorities” as “the kids” at home and “profit” at work but actually, the shared priority is individual needs and growth.

Transparent agendas lead to healthier relationships, children, and families.

Putting your well-being first = a stronger more capable you, better able to meet the needs of others.

In that context, we need always shape our communication into a form that our partner(s) can receive- what is their communication style? What are their “buttons/triggers”? When is it best to speak with them? The worst time to speak? What kind of communication is best for which kind of situation? What other responsibilities do they have pressing on them? How´s their self-esteem?

While we are at it, let’s take the time to give them credit for all they are accomplishing. There is a tendency to only communicate about what is missing but regular acknowledgment will go a long way!

2- Communicating Regularly

Have regular organizational/strategic meetings and follow-up tactical/to-do communication. In this way, you will remain on course and there will be less overlap and fewer things slipping between the cracks. Have major planning meetings quarterly.

Whether you’re a family of a business, getting on the same page every season and re-calibrating for the seasonal change will minimize breakdowns. 

3- Plan For Change

 If ever a crisis has driven home the need to plan for change, it’s COVID 19! Though it might be difficult to foresee this kind of crisis, keeping a three-month reserve and minimizing debt as a game plan certainly has made life easier for businesses and families that have that in place for example.

Whether it be your children or your co-workers, Share information and communication from your planning and strategizing with everyone impacted. Teams/families like to know what the plan is especially if it impacts them. 

In a Crisis, get together and look for advantages that can be leveraged from the change. There is ALWAYS an opportunity. The sooner you normalize your teams with planning and strong communication, the faster you will find opportunities. Change always reveals opportunity and valuing your relationships will help you!

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